praveen kumar
Table of Contents

Sean Sullivan

WebDAV is a collection of HTTP extensions that allow clients to manage files on remote servers. This presentation will examine the WebDAV specification and explain how a WebDAV client and server communicate. In addition, we will discuss how to programme a WebDAV client and WebDAV server using the Apache Jackrabbit WebDAV API.

JVM languages that are dynamic

Joshua Marinacci, Sun Microsystems

Includes Groovy, JRuby, JavaFX, and Scala. Also discusses upcoming JVM enhancements that will better support dynamic languages.

Writing Better Ant Scripts: Techniques, Patterns, and Antipatterns (PDF)

David Douglas Bullard

Do you use Ant to build your projects? This presentation will show you how to improve your build scripts, identify common pitfalls, and alter your perspective on build scripts. Included is a discussion of Nike’s efforts to unify its manufacturing process. Our goal is a build script with no more than 10 lines.

Sharp edges in your java: shards in your latte (web)

Phil Varner

Consider yourself a Java expert? I did the same thing until I read “Java Puzzlers” by Josh Bloch and Ned Gafter, which uses code examples to illustrate some of Java’s more intriguing characteristics. This talk will present puzzles distinct from those in the book to illustrate some of the language’s and API’s sharp edges and edge cases. While the immediate lessons taught by the puzzles are instructive, the most important takeaway is the ability to recognise the types of things to watch out for, especially when editing and debugging the code of others. In addition to solving the puzzles, the solutions will aim to prevent errors and be elegant and beautiful.

Application-Fixture-Test: Constructing a Robust User Interface Testing Architecture (PDF)

Rob Ryan and Phil Quitslund (Software Architect) (System Engineer)

FitNesse plus WATIJ equals WitNesse (or FATIJ?) (PPT)

Vik Anantha & Paul Lamb

FitNesse is a wiki-based collaborative testing and documentation tool that enables teams to easily create documents, specify tests, and run those tests collaboratively. It is a straightforward and refined tool for automating acceptance tests. WATIJ is a pure Java API designed to automate web application development. WATIJ automates functional testing of web applications through a real browser by leveraging the simplicity of WATIR and the strength of Java. FitNesse and WATIJ are both open-source initiatives. Combining these two powerful tools has created a highly effective environment for automating web application testing. With FitNesse’s advocated wiki-based testing, people with minimal programming experience can create and maintain test suites.

SLIDES for Java-based web applications using the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)

Elias Volanakis

Using the full Java libraries, Eclipse APIs, and a plug-in architecture, the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) project makes it easier for Java developers to create browser-based AJAX applications than with other frameworks. RAP applications are written in Java, abstracting the JavaScript and AJAX technologies required for a rich browser user experience. RAP is deployable on standard J2EE application servers and utilises the Eclipse plug-in architecture.

The presentation introduces RAP to a Java Developer audience by explaining key concepts, highlighting notable features, and demonstrating the entire process of creating a small RAP application.

PSU Emerson Murphy-Hill

Since Java refactoring tools “crossed the rubicon” more than six years ago, mainstream refactoring tools have changed very little; programmers didn’t use them much then, and they don’t use them much now. Why then? In this talk, I’ll discuss how we know refactoring tools are underutilised, a Java developer’s options for refactoring tools, what’s wrong with typical refactoring tools, what progress research into refactoring tools is making and isn’t making, toolmakers who have made a few significant improvements, and a new breed of refactoring tools and why they make a difference.

Java FX is the future of Java client

Joshua Marinacci, Sun Microsystems

Client side Java has advanced significantly over the past decade, but Java FX will be the biggest change since the transition from AWT to Swing (or even bigger!). This is an overview of the current state of client Java, the upcoming new technologies, and the new tools that will enable developers to create incredible new desktop and mobile client applications. Following the introduction, we will delve deeply into Java FX Script, a new programming language designed specifically for creating user interfaces.

Components of a Product

Aaron Johnson & Matt Tucker

Jive Software introduced Clearspace, a major new Web 2.0 product, six months ago. We will provide a look behind the scenes at the design, implementation, and launch of the application. How does a small engineering team develop an alternative to Sharepoint? Then, we will reveal the secret ingredient that made it possible. We will focus on the following primary topics:


* Determining what to include in the product without formal MRD, PRD, TPS reports, etc. * Designing a killer user interface.

* User acceptance testing need not be awful.


* Architecture overview * Principal technical obstacles


* Our release train process emphasises speed and quality. * Using plugins and themes to engage the community and make it a platform.

Glassfish and the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)

Doug Kohlert & Ken Paulsen

The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) is the successor to The Java API for XML-Based RPC as the next generation of Java APIs for web services. JAX-WS prioritises development simplicity and industry alignment for web services. The JAX-WS reference implementation (RI) is an implementation of the JAX-WS 2.1 specification that is production-ready and highly performant. This presentation will begin with an overview of the JAX-WS APIs and then devote the majority of its time to discussing how web services can be developed with the JAX-WS Reference Implementation (RI) and the RI’s architecture. As JAX-WS is a component of the GlassFish project, a summary of GlassFish will also be provided.

What was new and cool at the 2007 JavaOne


The 12th annual JavaOne has concluded, and the five days of sessions featured a great deal of new and very cool information! Come enjoy pizza and a comprehensive overview of this year’s sessions. From the recently announced JavaFX to a RoboSapien programmable in Java.

Developing Attractive Web and Desktop Applications

 William Ward

Our presentation focuses on developing attractive web and desktop applications with Java, Mozilla’s new ECMAScript virtual machine (Tamarin), the free Flex SDK, the Flex Builder Eclipse plugin, and Flex Data Services. The presentation consists primarily of demonstrations and writing code, with only a few slides describing architecture. The session is highly interactive, with many questions and audience participation.

Real-world Holy Grail (slides)

Scott Davis

Scott Davis serves as the Chief Editor of aboutGroovy.com. In addition to being about Groovy, the website is implemented in Grails. This presentation describes how to get started with Grails and the experience of using it in a live, production website.

Grails is a web framework that maximises the strengths of well-known Java libraries such as Spring, Hibernate, and Sitemesh, among others, while minimising the XML manipulation typically required to get them to play well together. It introduces “Convention over Configuration” to the Java programming language. It uses Groovy as the glue language, allowing experienced JEE developers to learn Groovy within the context of libraries with which they are already familiar.

Grails includes a web server, a database, and all the necessary libraries for a complete web application. It will also generate a directory structure and common class scaffolding (Controllers, Views, etc.). It is not an exaggeration to say that your first application will be operational within minutes. But Grails is more than a simple beginning. In this presentation, we will examine alternative configurations. We will deploy a Grails application to an external Tomcat instance rather than the default Jetty server. We will replace the HSQLDB database with MySQL. We will incorporate external JARs to add new functionality.

Published: June 20, 2022
Writen by
praveen kumar